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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Police raids uncover illegal aliens

Police in Oslo have been raiding construction sites in recent days, as state officials crack down on illegal aliens in Norway. Newspaper Aftenposten reports that several workers from Albania, in Norway illegally, have been found with false IDs.

The ID card system used by construction firms that hire foreign workers, meanwhile, reportedly has been abused. Aftenposten reported Friday that many foreign workers acquire the ID cards, which give them access to the local job market, under false names and by using false identification documents.

Two Albanians workers were arrested while on the job at a state art college in Oslo. Nearly 500 persons from Albania are believed to be in Norway under false pretenses.

Immigration officials have been intensifying efforts to crack down on the illegal workers, and lately have resorted to sending police inspectors onto job sites to check all workers’ identification documents.

The two Albanians arrested at the site of the new art college on Friday included a 38-year-old man from Kosovo who had been subject to a deportation order last fall. He fled before he could physically be deported, but now is in prison.

Police were due to raid several more job sites in the coming weeks.

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