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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Message to our readers

UPDATED: This website keeps growing, thanks to all of you, but our traffic growth and, not least, the ever-growing volume of stories in our archives are causing some growing pains. We need your help in easing them.

A few weeks ago, we began experiencing some aggravating technical problems. Stories weren’t saving, our publishing program seemed to take on a life of its own, and the sheer task of getting stories out there for you to read became a real challenge. We were puzzled, didn’t know what suddenly went wrong, and did our best to shield all of you from the constant and time-consuming disruptions in updating our pages.

We were told by our technical experts that we needed a much bigger server to accommodate our expanding database of more than 4,500 stories. It was installed on Friday, and I’m relieved to report that it didn’t seem to knock us offline as I’d feared, at least not for very long. It also seems to be working well.

The new server that we needed to keep providing you with Norwegian news and commentary in English was expensive. We hope you’ll consider helping offset our costs by hitting the “Donate” button on the site, or, if you’re in Norway, sending some support to our Norwegian account. We’d like to thank those who responded to our initial call for help, but hope many more contribute, especially those who read us regularly.

We also have an opportunity to bring some talented new staff on board, and hope you’ll consider supporting that effort as well.

Thanks for clicking in, also, please, on the Donate” button!

Views and News from Norway/Nina Berglund

Please support our news service. Readers in Norway can use our donor account. Our international readers can click on our “Donate” button:




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