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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Clocks rolled back on Sunday

Norway joined most of the rest of the world in setting clocks back an hour on Sunday, when daylight savings time ended and standard time began. It may be one of the last times it happens, if proponents prevail in making daylight savings time permanent.

Norwegians call it sommertid (literally, summer time), and it makes for even longer afternoons and evenings. Discussions continue within the EU as to whether sommertid should become the new standard time, to avoid resetting clocks twice a year (springing forward an hour in the spring, and falling back an hour in the fall). Others like daylight savings time’s lighter and longer afternoons, also as an energy savings measure, with newspaper Aftenposten editorializing over the weekend in favour of hanging on to sommertid.

Norway is likely to do whatever most of the EU does, to avoid time zone confusion. Meanwhile, Norway’s government minister in charge of it all, Iselin Nybø, only half-jokingly apologized that this difficult Corona year will effectively become an hour longer. “It’s already been a very demanding year for very many,” Nybø stated in a press release. At least mornings will be a bit lighter until December darkness sets in. staff




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