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Thursday, September 12, 2024
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Frp’s ‘butterball immigrant’ reacts

Liberal (Venstre) politician Ketil Kjenseth was forced to apologize on Thursday after calling Progress Party (Fremskrittpartiet, Frp) member Mayzar Keshvari a "smørbukk-innvandrer," which literally...

Dairy co-op to import butter

Tine, the farmers' cooperative that controls the market for dairy products in Norway, is poised to import more butter to ward off another embarrassing...

Butter supplies remain uncertain

Norway's embattled dairy monopoly Tine is still struggling to supply enough butter to meet demand, and has asked for more reductions in the country's...

New ‘butter crisis’ looms

Officials at Norwegian dairy cooperative Tine are trying to ward off another looming "butter crisis" like the one that left grocery store shelves bare...

Import restrictions eased to spread butter

The Norwegian market needs as many as 1,500 more tons of butter than what's available from Norwegian producers, so the state is lowering the...

New butter woes spread cost cut calls

Norway's two largest non-socialist parties, the Conservatives (Høyre) and the Progress Party (Fremskrittspartiet, Frp), think it's possible to cut billions in state funding for...

Tempers rise over bread and butter

A highly unpopular shortage of butter in Norwegian stores last fall and winter hasn't stopped farmers from now trying to produce a shortage of...

Butter said to be back ‘soon’

It's taken Norway's dairy cooperative Tine (pronounced "Tee-nah") longer than expected to produce enough butter to satisfy retail demand, but Tine officials claim it...

New shortages may follow butter

Some retailers in Norway fear that new shortages loom because of state dairy cooperative Tine's desperation to make more butter. That may result in...

State won’t soften butter regulations

Even though they've been ridiculed through worldwide coverage of Norway's butter shortage, and faced with a lack of one of the most essential items...



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