Use our donor accounts to support
We want (and need) the support of all our readers, and there are thousands of you worldwide every month. You can hit the DONATE button below to our PayPal account or, for readers here in Norway, use our Norwegian account free of currency conversion fees.
The account was set up at our small but friendly bank, Spareskillingsbanken in Kristiansand, and its account number is 3060 24 52472.
We’re grateful for the traffic, fan mail and donations that have come in since we launched (Views and News from Norway) on the 17th of May in 2009. Now we hope more of you will support our efforts to share what’s going on in Norway with the rest of the world. We refused to be scared off by the global media and financial crises, believing there’s a need for news, commentary and features from Norway in English, with lots of photos.
In late 2008, Norway sadly became one of the few countries in the world without an English-language news service backed by a major media organization. We’ve been trying to help fill that gap. We’ll appreciate all support, which you can securely send to our PayPal account by clicking on the button below, or by using the Norwegian bank account above.
Nina Berglund Editor and publisher,, Oslo