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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Police braced for Bandidos bash

Police in Oslo and Drammen braced for the expected arrival over the weekend of as many as 500 members of the Bandidos motorcycle club. Law enforcement officers claimed many of the bikers coming to Norway from clubs all over Europe have criminal records.

Bandidos’ clubs in Oslo and Drammen are celebrating their 15th anniversary, and thus invited other clubs for parties. In Oslo, their clubhouse is in the middle of a residential neighborhood at Etterstad, where representatives of around 100 European clubs are expected to gather on Saturday.

“We think many key members will come from around Europe,” Eirik Jensen of the Oslo Police District told Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK). Police monitored the clubs’ locations in Norway throughout the weekend, in the hopes of averting any trouble. They could report on Sunday that the festivities proceeded peacefully.

The Bandidos club in Drammen is remembered for being the target of a bombing a few years ago, in which an innocent passerby was killed. Police have reported that more than 60 percent of Bandidos club members have been convicted of crimes, often stemming from narcotics and extortion charges.

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