The last of the three men arrested on suspicion of planning a terrorist attack in Norway has been ordered held in custody under the same terms as his two alleged accomplices.
A local court in Oslo ordered on Friday that Shawan Sadek Saeed Bujak, 37, be held for at least four weeks, the first two in full isolation. The two other suspects, David Jakobsen and Mikael Davud, were sentenced to the same initial confinement terms at their custody hearings earlier last week.
Bujak had been arrested in Germany and wasn’t extradited back to Norway until last Thursday. Like the other two, he has denied any links to terrorism activity.
The three men, alleged to have ties to terrorist group al-Qaeda, were arrested July 8 in what’s turned into the biggest terrorism case in Norwegian history. The arrests were coordinated by Norwegian and German police, with involvement from investigators in the UK and US.
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