Police released the identity on Friday of a 51-year-old woman who was gunned down on a street in Oslo’s Frogner neighbourhood early Wednesday morning. The man charged with shooting her, meanwhile, has been ordered held in custody but was transferred to a psychiatric hospital for a medical evaluation.
His victim was identified as Fevziye Kaya Sørebø, who worked as an interpreter and had hired the defendant several years ago to lead two residential real estate projects on her behalf. Both ended in costly conflict and Sørebø prevailed in legal action, with an Oslo court ordering the man to pay her more than NOK 12 million in compensation and legal costs.
Police reported Friday that they now have a “good picture” of the sequence of the dramatic events on the otherwise quiet street, Tostrups gate, Wednesday morning, noting that Sørebø was shot multiple times while sitting in her own car. Witness then saw the assailant, a man in his 30s, flee the scene with a gun in his hand. He was arrested shortly thereafter along the E18 highway at Høvik, just west of Oslo.
State broadcaster NRK has reported that police found more weapons while ransacking his home in suburban Bærum. It’s been reported that he had a prior criminal record.
The victim is survived by two daughters who were being looked after by close family.
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