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Friday, September 20, 2024

Progress Party is opposition's biggest

The conservative Progress Party has secured its spot as the largest of Norway’s opposition parties, gaining more than three points in a new public opinion poll to outrank the Conservatives themselve (Høyre) once again. Party leader Siv Jensen, though, is frustrated.The Progress Party (Fremskrittspartiet, Frp) now holds 22.3 percent of the vote, according to a poll conducted by Sentio Research Norge for newspaper Dagens Næringsliv (DN) .

That’s up 3.3 points from the last poll in October and it compares to the Conservative Party’s share of 19.2 percent of the vote.

The Labour Party, however, remains dominant with 35.6 percent of the vote, even though that’s down 1.8 points from last time. While Frp and Høyre together have a solid bloc, Labour and its two much smaller government partners remain dominant.”The poll shows that we have a strong foundation, and I think that’s very nice,” Jensen told DN.

“At the same time, many of Frp’s voters hoped there would be a change of government and are frustrated that didn’t happen.”

Even though she leads the country’s biggest opposition party, Jensen herself also admits to frustration. “The majority red-green government is the big frustration for us politicians who wanted some change,” Jensen said. “No matter how much we sit here and tear our hair out, and no matter what we propose, the government says ‘no.'”

She claimed her party will nonetheless “show people through what we say and believe that there are alternatives, other ways to use our tax money and manage our society.” Jensen is already looking forward to the next parliamentary election in 2013.



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