An estimated 500 residents of the Oslo area had joined the search late Monday for a 16-year-old girl missing since Saturday night. Sigrid Giskegjerde Schjetne was last heard from just after midnight, and failed to return as agreed to her family’s home near Østensjø on the city’s east side.
Schjetne’s parents got worried when their daughter was late coming home from a visit to a girlfriend’s home. When the girlfriend told Schjetne’s parents that she had left earlier in the evening and walked home, the parents called police.
A search was launched, with Schjetne’s mobile phone and shoes later found on the grounds of a nearby day care center. Police divers searched a nearby lake and helicopters were added to search efforts on Sunday.
There was still no sign of Schjetne on Monday, when around 500 volunteers mobilized to join the massive search effort. Police were urging everyone who was in the area around the lake Østensjøvannet on Saturday night to contact police, especially if they have information on cars they may have seen. One theory is that the teenager may have been dragged into a car and kidnapped.
Oslo police also issued an international alert that Schjetne was missing, in case anyone tried to take her across borders.
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