So many moose continue to be involved in traffic accidents in Norway that a frustrated researcher has proposed that the state highway department (Statens Vegvesen) and the state railroad (Jernbaneverket) be fined NOK 100,000 for every dead animal.
That’s the only way, contends researcher Torstein Storaas, to get the two state agencies to take the risk of moose collisions more seriously, and get them to invest in more fences to keep the huge animals off the roads and off the train tracks.
Nearly 15,000 collisions between motor vehicles and moose were registered during the past five years, 400 of them so far this year. Storaas told radio station P4 that economic sanctions can be an effective means of reducing the accident statistics.
“We must accept a certain number of accidents, but if more than a certain number of moose are killed per kilometer, the highway department and the railroad must begin to pay for it,” said Storaas, who works for the College of Hedmark, a county where moose collisions rank among the highest in the country. staff