Bears are officially under protection orders in Norway, but after an offending male was suspected of attacking freely grazing sheep near the historic mining town of Røros this week, a local hunting team was given permission to track it down. That led to more trouble during the night.
The hunters reported to police just before 4am on Thursday that they had shot a bear in the area around the lake Oversjøen, northeast of Rorøs, but had to admit they’d failed to kill it. Since a wounded bear can be even more dangerous, police sent out warnings to all owners of cabins in the area to stay indoors.
State broadcaster NRK reported that the local fire department was also called in, along with police patrols, to help search for the bear. A helicopter with heat-sensitive cameras was launched as well, and it finally localized the wounded bear at around 7am.
The hunters were then led to the location where they shot the bear to death. NRK reported they also shot two sheep that allegedly had been attacked by the bear. staff