A 22-year-old man was arrested on Sunday, charged with exaggerated negligence with a firearm. Police tied him to Oslo’s latest shooting incident at Ensjø that narrowly avoided wounding members of a family with small children, while a 19-year-old has been arrested for another shooting at Sagene in Oslo.
Police were’t ruling out more arrests as they investigate the shootings they view as being related. Bjørn Vandvik, deputy police chief in Oslo, called the shootings in public “utterly unacceptable.”
Vandvik, speaking at a press conference Monday afternoon, believes the shootings are tied to criminal youth gangs. The shots fired Friday night at Ensjø hit a car that happened to be driving by and contained two small children out with their parents.
Roar Kvassheim, an investigator for the Oslo Police District, said the shootings involve a “criminal milieu and youngsters who show they’re willing to use exaggerated violence against one another.” That “creates anxiety and uncertainty among folks,” Vandvik said, “and we take that very seriously.”
Another shooting took place at Østre Aker on August 19 before shots also were fired at Sagene on August 23.
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