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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Tag: au pair

Norway ends its ‘au pair’ program

The Norwegian government is following through with plans to phase out Norway's au pair program, after years of complaints that it was exploited by Norwegians...

Norway scraps au pair program

Labour Minister Marte Mjøs Persen announced Wednesday that the Norwegian government is moving forward with plans to stop issuing temporary residence permits under its...

Norway bids ‘adieu’ to ‘au pair’ system

New Labour Minister Hadia Tajik is keen to scrap the country's long-criticized "au pair" system, on the grounds it exploits young people from abroad...

Au pair abusers can be banned

Among new laws and regulations taking effect in Norway from July 1st is a measure aimed at protecting au pair from exploitation and abuse. Families...

UDI allows justice minister’s au pair

UPDATED: Norway's immigration agency UDI (Utlendingsdirektoratet) announced Tuesday that it was reversing its decision last month that an au pair from the Philippines had...

Justice minister had an illegal au pair

News broke in Oslo late Wednesday afternoon that presented an ultimate irony: An au pair living in the home of Norway's new justice minister from...

Au pair case heads for Supreme Court

Norway's highest court (Høyesterett) has agreed to hear an appeal filed by a wealthy Oslo businessman and his wife, who've been convicted of violating...

Tougher au pair rules proposed

Norway's justice ministry is moving forward with an attempted crackdown on Norwegian host families who exploit au pairs, mostly young women who come to...

Disputed au pair program to continue

The Norwegian government has secured a majority in Parliament for its intention to maintain the country's disputed au pair program. The program has resulted in...

Labour joins calls for ‘au pair’ reform

Several of Norway's political parties are keen to scrap or dramatically alter the country's current au pair system, following its repeated abuse. Now the...



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