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Monday, September 16, 2024

Islamic activist complains of persecution

One of Norway’s most controversial Islamic activists, Mohyeldeen Mohammad, is demanding insight into any files Norwegian authorities may have compiled on him. He claims the information is causing trouble for him when he goes traveling.

Mohammad, age 25, is best known for hailing the late al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden and defending the murder of homosexuals. He was arrested after making a speech in Oslo earlier this year where he warned of an “11th of September on Norwegian soil,” and he also published a video of himself shooting a rifle into the air and yelling on You Tube. The video was later removed and other Norwegian Muslims have branded Mohammad as “an idiot.”

Earlier this fall, Mohammad traveled back to Saudi Arabia where he’d been studying at the university in Medina. He’d been expelled from school, however, and returned home to Larvik, about a two-hour drive southwest of Oslo. When he traveled back to Saudi Arabia in September, he was deported.

Mohammad told VG Nett this week that information he suspects has been compiled against him “is limiting my freedom to travel out of Norway, and causing me problems at airports. This isn’t just political, but also religious persecution.”

VG Nett reported that passport officials in Larvik denied there are any special notes tied to Mohammad’s Norwegian passport. His defense lawyer, John Christian Elden, noted that Mohammad has no convictions and simply has exercised his right to freedom of expression.

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