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Friday, September 20, 2024

NRK journalists still on strike

A strike that’s all but shut down new from Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK) entered its second week on Tuesday. The two side in the conflict seem to be even farther apart than when journalists walked off the job last Monday.

Several of NRK’s most well-known news anchors and reporters were out protesting in force during the long holiday weekend that also saw full distruption of NRK’s annual all-day coverage of festivities on the country’s Constitution Day on the 17th of May last Thursday. Nor was there any coverage of the royal wedding in London on Saturday, despite months of preparation for it.

On Friday NRK’s journalists accused the state broadcaster’s management of trying to bust the strike on the 17th of May. Its use of a few non-organized celebrities, including the partner of Labour Party politician Trond Giske, to carry out some coverage of the parade in Oslo was harshly criticized and led to ill feelings. NRK denied it was guilty of any strike-busting.

Management claims it’s saving as much as NOK 4 million a day with its journalists out on strike. That doesn’t necessarily comfort the millions of Norwegians who follow NRK’s news broadcasts on various platforms throughout the day. NRK radio stations were mostly playing the same feed of music without any newscasts at the top of the hour. staff



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