Fully 94 percent of Norwegians feel safe in Norway, and 79 percent have confidence in their police. That’s even higher than two years ago, when an earlier public survey was conducted for the state police directorate.
The survey, conducted by research firm Kantar, also showed that public confidence in the police was highest in Oslo, where 85 percent of those questioned were pleased with police protection and performance. News bureau NTB reported that confidence was lowest in Finnmark, where police reforms have merged police stations and reduced local coverage in many areas. When calls for help come in, patrol cars can be far away.
Benedicte Bjørnland, the new director of Norway’s state police, said she was “very glad” for the increase in public confidence, adding that “it’s not something we take for granted.” Asked why there was such a big difference between Oslo and Finnmark, she said the respective police chiefs in each area “would have to answer for that.”
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