Trade union federations representing striking bus drivers nationwide met with Norway’s national mediator on Wednesday after he’d also called in the bus drivers’ employers’ organization. The media outlet FriFagbevegelse that specializes in labour news reported that mediation resumed after the employers presented a new offer.
That raised hopes for a possible settlement that could end the strike that entered its second week on Saturday. The strike also spread from the Oslo metropolitan area to every county in the country except two, suspending bus service from Finnmark in the north to Agder in the south.
The employers’ new offer reportedly provided a foundation for a settlement, and negotiations resumed at 2pm. There have been some concerns that the state government would order the bus drivers back to work, to relieve crowding on trams and trains and ease transport during the Corona crisis.
Jørn Eggum, leader of the trade union federation Felleforbundet, had said he didn’t fear a back-to-work order. He cited public support for the drivers’ strike and noted how many commuters and students were instead simply walking or cycling to work and school, or working from home. staff