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Friday, September 20, 2024

Deportation extended pending court verdict

Immigration authorities postponed a July 1 deadline for 18-year-old Mustafa Hasan to leave the country until September 1, reported state broadcaster NRK last week. The Oslo County Court is due to rule on his legal claim to remain in Norway later this month.

The young man best known simply as “Mustafa” arrived in Norway as a child with his family in 2008. He wants to remain in the country where he grew up, but immigration officials claim his mother misrepresented herself as a Palestinian in need of refuge. They claim she lived in Jordan and instead fled an abusive husband, Mustafa’s father, leaving the entire family without a case for asylum in Norway.

She and some of Mustafa’s siblings have since left Norway, while an older brother was ultimately granted asylum on humanitarian grounds. Mustafa, however, has been living under a pending deportation order for several years and filed a legal claim to remain that’s supported by scores of his friends and thousands of others who’ve petitioned for his right to remain. His court case concluded last month.

If the court rules in his favour, the immigration appeals board UNE will need to reconsider his case to stay in Norway. staff



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