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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Tag: astronomy

Telescopes stolen from observatory

Thieves set their sights on Norway's venerable Solobservatoriet north of Oslo this week, stealing several large and heavy telescopes worth around NOK 100,000. The...

Super lunar eclipse rewarded determined observers

Norwegians who stayed up very late Sunday or woke up very early on Monday were rewarded with what astronomers were calling a "super lunar...

Another meteorite hit Oslo home

Just as Norwegians were gearing up for their smashing performance in the Winter Olympics, another meteorite was found to have smashed into a house...

Geologist believed to have found large meteorite

Terje Fjeldheim, a geologist who acknowledges that he "knows a bit about rocks," was out fishing in the mountains of Setesdal, southern Norway, when...

Sparks fly over ‘missing’ meteorite

The Natural History Museum in Oslo put out a call this week for what its curator feared was a missing meteorite that hadn't been...

Another meteorite found in Oslo

A woman out walking her dog on the large grassy hilltop plateau known as Ekebergsletta in Oslo found the second meteorite in as many days...

Meteorite smashed through Oslo roof

The owners of a small cabin in an urban holiday garden called a kolonihage in Oslo got quite a surprise when they visited the cabin...

Norway’s Mister Universe

As an astrophysicist, Knut Jørgen Røed Ødegaard might be expected to have trouble communicating his complicated world to the layman. Not so. Ødegaard has...

Lunar eclipse put on quite a show

It seemed to get off to a slow start, but when Wednesday night's lunar eclipse finally became visible over Oslo, it turned into a...

Astronomers gear for lunar eclipse

A full lunar eclipse was due to be visible over all of southern and central Norway Wednesday night, provided the clouds stay away and...



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