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Friday, September 20, 2024

Tag: employment

Extended sick leave aims to cut it

The Norwegian government, national employers' organization NHO and major national labour federations have agreed to extend employees' rights to call in sick, but don't...

Au pair case heads for Supreme Court

Norway's highest court (Høyesterett) has agreed to hear an appeal filed by a wealthy Oslo businessman and his wife, who've been convicted of violating...

Employers plan to hire more workers

Employment prospects are looking up again in Norway. A new survey shows that many companies are planning to do more hiring by the end...

Debate erupts over cuts in sick pay

Employees in Norway can currently call in sick and still collect full pay, with a doctor's evaluation only required after three days away from...

Oil industry faces labour shortage

The rapid recovery of Norway's oil industry is suddenly leaving some offshore oil and oil service companies short of workers. State welfare and employment...

Job satisfaction: How it shapes identity

After several difficult years following the collapse in oil prices, Norway's job market is picking up again. Nicola McCaffrey, a clinical psychologist based in...

Giant Statoil deals help secure jobs

Norway's three largest offshore companies won contracts worth nearly NOK 12 billion from state oil company Statoil on Thursday that can create as many...

Women still struggle in Norway, too

Norway is widely viewed as a haven of gender equality, but local media took due note on Thursday, International Women's Day, of all the...

Wage growth remains low

Salaries earned by the vast majority of Norwegians have registered the lowest growth in nearly two decades, according to a new report from state...

High executive pay stirs up protests

It now only takes 21 work days for top executives in Norway to earn what's considered to be the country's average full-year salary of...



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