The northern city of Vadsø was in mourning this week, after the car in which four persons aged 17 to 21 were sitting rolled off a pier and into the cold waters of the harbour. Two young men in the car survived, while two girls drowned.
Mia Berg Kestilæ, age 17 from Vadsø, and Vilde Morso Avseth, age 19 from nearby Tana, were both students at Vadsø Videregåendeskole (high school). A memorial service was held at the school on Wednesday, the day after the accident in the early hours of the 17th of May before festivities on Norway’s Constitution Day were to begin.
Instead they were cancelled and flags flew at half-mast on the day they normally are flying high. The accident, which is under investigation, shocked the small community and classes were also cancelled on Wednesday.
Around 10,000 persons had also signed on for a Facebook campaign to light candles for the victims.
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