Three men will be held in custody for four weeks by Vestoppland district court after they were arrested in connection with the dramatic kidnapping Tuesday morning, in the rural district of Hadeland, southern Norway. The two kidnapped girls have been returned safely, after police acted on tips from the public.
Two vehicles, a blue Saab and a Volvo, were sought by police after the incident. The Saab was located in Sarpsborg, near the Swedish border and two men were arrested just hours after the kidnapping occurred.
Representing one of the men is attorney Harald Otterstad who told newspaper Aftenposten that his 37-year-old client denied all charges, but would not appeal his custody. “He is very adamant that he has nothing to do with this case, and hopes that he will eventually be cleared in the matter.” The suspect denies all acquaintance of the girls’ father, who has also been arrested and will be arraigned later today.
The second suspect in the vehicle is an Iraqi citizen, aged 31 and registered to a Swedish address. He denies all involvement and will appeal his detention. The 26-year-old driver of the Volvo was pulled over by Sollihøgda, north-west of Oslo, and his lawyer Harald Gjøme confirmed that he also will be appealing the decision.
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