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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Public transport officials breathe sighs of relief

The train, bus and metro systems in and around the Oslo metropolitan area underwent their biggest route changes in several decades early this week, but officials could report few if any major problems. Commuters mostly got to their destinations and were being thanked for their patience and cooperation.

“Today we have to thank our customers,” Tom Ingulstad, head of passenger service for state railway NSB, told newspaper Aftenposten on Tuesday. “There have been few complaints and traffic has been good. We got documentation that the new route model works.”

The aim is more service, more often, even though it has led to some train routes taking longer than before. Some commuters also have to make new transfers, but there were no major delays on Monday.

The transport officials had opted to introduce the massive new route system in the dead of winter and even on the day when the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded in Oslo, an event that led to lots of visitors in town and to many streets being blocked because of heightened security. Even so, the bus, metro and train systems ran well, and the weather turned out to be fairly good. The local tram system wasn’t affected.

“Folks have been good at staying informed about the changes,” said Gry Isberg of the metropolitan transit system Ruter. “They’ve learned new line numbers and new departure times. There were big changes.”

Her colleagues and their counterparts at NSB still welcome passenger feedback, and adjustments may be made. Commuters on the train lines between Oslo and Spikkestad (midway to Drammen) and Jessheim (northeast of Oslo), for example, were met by packed trains and more stops along the way, and are letting their complaints be known. staff



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