Commuters and other passengers of state railway NSB avoided the disruption of a strike threatened by locomotive engineers on Thursday. They couldn’t avoid the disruptions caused by a derailing and ongoing construction projects, tough.
The strike would have shut down train service if the locomotive engineers didn’t get the pension basis they demanded. Details remained sketchy on Thursday but their union (Norsk Lokomotivmannsforbund, NLF) did manage to come to terms during all-night negotiations, and the strike was averted.
It would have especially hit the lines running southeast from Oslo (Østfoldbanen), but commuters ended up facing delays and cancellations anyway after a freight train derailed Wednesday between Kolbotn and Ski. Service resumed Thursday morning but there were still delays and cancellations because of damage to the tracks.
Meanwhile came news that new carriages for Østfoldbanen along with the lines north from Oslo to Gjøvik (Gjøvikbanen) and northeast to Kongsvinger may soon be double-deckers. The goal is to increase capacity for train commuters around Oslo, and newspaper Aftenposten reported that the conservative government will now seriously evaluate double-decker cars. The evaluation comes after one of its support parties, the Liberals, won the backing of a majority on the parliament’s transport committee to study methods to boost capacity, and the best way to do that may well be to introduce the double-deckers. staff