State meteorologists have said that last week’s cold snap is over, but it was snowing again all day in Oslo on Monday and it will take a long time before all the snow disappears.
“We’re still having real winter weather all over the country,” Eldbjørg Moxnes of the state Meteorological Insitute told newspaper Dagsavisen on Monday. Even though March is considered an early spring month in Norway, temperatures were predicted to remain under normal through this week, with mostly grey and snowy weather.
Folldal remained the coldest in Norway late last week, with thermometers showing the lowest temperature since 1949 on March 1: minus-41.8C. Oslo was basking in summer-like temperatures two years ago, and some hardy Norwegians were even swimming in the fjord in March.
While there are plenty of isbadere in Norway (those who enjoy plunging into icy waters), there probably won’t be large crowds along the beaches for a while. Climate researcher Reidun Skaland said that temperatures may rise in mid-March but were likely to remain cold, even sub-freezing. staff