Most Norwegians could bask under sunshine and clear skies for the traditional Midsummer Eve celebrations known as Sankthansaften on Wednesday. The evening holiday that’s often washed out by chilly rain was instead beckoning boaters out on the fjord.
Only the northwest coastal areas were due for any rain. “The weather was looking quite nice for most parts of Norway,” state meteorologist Rannveig Eikill told news bureau NTB. “It’s well-suited for a Sankthans evening.”
That’s important because of all the Norwegians who spend the evening outdoors, eating, drinking and even dancing near or around a bonfire. After several days of cold, grey weather with lots of rain, temperatures tose to above the 20C mark, perfect for outdoor picnics that also allow more people to gather in accordance with Corona-related restrictions.
Only in the coastal town of Grimstad were there stern appeals from local officials to avoid any socializing because of a local outbreak that sent at least 2,000 residents to testing stations. staff