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Saturday, September 14, 2024

Gunman faces tougher questioning

Police are promising more “confrontational” interviews with the confessed perpetrator of the Oslo and Utøya attacks, Anders Behring Breivik, in an attempt to find out if any more people were connected with the crimes. Breivik is reportedly still refusing to reveal such information until a number of “impossible demands” are met, as further revelations about the attacks continue to come forward.

While Breivik says he attacked alone on July 22, his online manifesto claims there are two additional terror cells in Norway. Police will begin further interrogations of the suspect later this week, which they say will be tougher, in order to find out more. New information about the details of the attacks continues to emerge, including confirmation that Breivik called the police from Utøya and spared the lives of some of the youngest persons on the island.

‘Impossible demands’ remain
Breivik’s defense attorney, Geir Lippestad, has confirmed to Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK) that Breivik is still refusing to give information of two alleged cells in Norway, which he wrote about in his manfiesto, unless “impossible demands” are given into by the police. The demands remain the same, and include the requirement that the current government resigns and that he is given access to NRK for 20 hours in order to recruit a 2,000 strong army.

Lippestad told newspaper Dagens Næringsliv that another demand is that he be examined by Japanese psychiatrists because of their “concept of honour.” Breivik also wants a new social order to be introduced with himself at the top.

A police press conference on Tuesday confirmed that it was unlikely that Breivik involved anyone else in his terror plot, but that this could not yet be confirmed. Police suggested they were confident that they had managed to map the suspect’s movements in the days before the attack from information given in interviews and obtained through other means. Technical reports from the bombed government quarter in Oslo have also been completed, and work has begun on clearing the area.

Breivik rang police, hung petrol in trees, spared the youngest
In further revelations, Breivik is believed to have rung the police from Utøya himself using a mobile telephone. No information has been yet released about the content of the call. It has also been suggested that items Breivik hung in trees around the island, feared to be explosives, were filled with petrol. The leader of the emergency team that worked on the island, Anders Snortheimsmoen, revealed the information to German newspaper Der Spiegel, although police are yet to confirm the news. It is not yet clear what the suspect was planning to do with the petrol. Lawyer Lippestad has told newspaper Aftenposten that the hanging of petrol in the trees has not been discussed during interrogations.

It was initially reported that Breivik had devices in his ears, perhaps in order to keep in contact with an assistant. It has now been confirmed that the perpetrator in fact used an iPod to listen to music while he was carrying out the massacre. Breivik detailed plans to listen to music during the shootings in his online manifesto. One of the reasons why Breivik was almost shot by police was because the cables coming from the headphones could have been interpreted as a link to an explosive device, Aftenposten reports.

New revelations from Lippestad reported in newspaper Dagbladet also suggest that Breivik did not shoot the youngest persons on Utøya because they would not yet have been “brainwashed” by the Labour Party. It had already been revealed that an 11-year-old managed to plead with Breivik for his life.

Fertilizer co-ops’s new measures
Meanwhile, the agricultural cooperative that sold large quantities of fertilizer to Breivik, Felleskjøpet, has announced new measures to limit the sale of such products to individuals. Using new EU regulations as a basis, the company will now stop selling fertilizer to unregistered individuals, and will limit the sale of products with over 16 percent nitrogen content to normal users, according to reports by NRK.

It is not however clear how these rules would have stopped Breivik, who purchased the fertilizers through a company called Breivik Geofarm.

Views and News from Norway/Aled-Dilwyn Fisher
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