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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Police interview US al-Qaida suspects

Three members of al-Qaida are being questioned by Norwegian police in the USA as part of the case against an alleged Norwegian terrorist cell.

The three men – Zarein Ahmedzay, Bryant Neal Vinas and Najubullah Zazi – are American citizens charged for the planning of a suicide bombing attack on the New York Metro system in 2009. Police plan to use the interviews to gather evidence against Mikael Davud, David Jakobsen and Sawan Sadek Saeed Bujak.

Davud, Jakobsen and Bujak were arrested in the summer 2010 under suspicion of making bombs in Norway. Jakobsen, who originally reported Davud and Bujak to the police because of his concerns over their plans, was released from custody last autumn. The two remaining suspects have reported different targets for their bomb making exercises – Davud, a member of the Uyghur people (a Chinese Muslim minority), hoped to attack Chinese targets in Oslo, while Bujak claims that the Danish paper that published the Mohammed cartoons, Jyllands-Posten, was the target. Davud is believed to have maintained close contact with Zazi and Abid Naseer, a Briton facing extradition to the US who allegedly coordinated attacks on targets in Britain, the US and Norway during 2009.

Newspaper VG reports that it is believed that the Americans are being interviewed to obtain information about training their received in Waziristan on the Pakistani-Afghani border. Davud is thought to have also been involved in such training – he has already admitted that he traveled to Iran and Turkey to learn how to make incendiary devices, although he denies being in Waziristan.

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